Premium SEO Ghostwriting Services to boost EEAT on Google

SEO Ghostwriting services help you build topical authority on Google so that your website ranks faster.

SEO Ghostwriting services help you build topical authority on Google so that your website ranks faster. Google does not want novice writers to rank on their search engine because mostly they cannot add anything new to the existing information.

When considering a web page for organic rankings, Google pays a lot of importance to its Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust(EEAT) rules. These rules have been a part of Google searches for the last 10-13 years. Your rank on Google is decided according to your personal experience, expertise in the field, your authority to provide something valuable, and the trustfulness of your website.

How do ghostwriting services help in EEAT rankings?

To know this better, let us explore each factor in EEAT.


This factor is the latest addition to the earlier EAT rules. It says that the content which was produced should display some degree of experience, such as the usage of an actual product in a review or personal experiences around the topic.

Ghostwriting services can help you show your experience in a highly compelling way that makes the user book a call with you.


Google wants that a specific website that ranks for organic results is created by an expert in their field. They do not want rephrased content to rank on Google. New information and deep insights are critical for showing someone’s expertise. Further, a website also should have information on the authors, their experience, and proof of knowledge.

I can show your expertise with the most premium content that will outrank your competitors. Ask me to write on any topic, and you will never be disappointed.


The Authoritativeness of the website, as well as the writer, highly matters. In an interview, a Google executive said that 30 blogs would not be enough to show the authoritativeness of a website or author.

We use Topic Clusters to build your authority on the topic that will help your organic rankings. Topic clusters are lists of sub-topics that are related to a parent topic. Writing more on a topic and its subtopics helps Google assess your expertise, and if you are a genuine expert, it allows you to rank higher.

A Small Topic Cluster for the Topic: Ghostwriting
A Small Topic Cluster for the Topic: Ghostwriting

At Our Soul Writes, we help you to build topical authority by providing a detailed explanation of your personal experiences, insights, and knowledge in a highly polished way. Your knowledge, combined with my writing skills, can thus alleviate your Authority on Google.

Additionally, Ghostwriting Services help you build authority in a few days. Ghostwriters are experts in creating bulk content around a topic.


Trustworthiness is the legitimacy and transparency of the website, the website owners, and the content writer. A trustworthy website has the following features:

  • About Us page
  • Author Details
  • Contact information
  • Factual Accuracy
  • No-Cloak Links
  • No Hidden redirects

From my personal experience, I have seen a website lose traffic from Google due to the usage of many affiliate links. I feel Google is not against affiliate links but is against the way it was presented on that website. Affiliate links are a genuine source of income.

Schedule a Call, and Let’s Discuss this in Detail

Now that you know how Ghostwriting will help you write better content that will genuinely rank on Google, book a call to see it in action—link at the bottom of this page.

About Me

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I have been an SEO for the last 2 years and, over the course of time, have helped several small and medium businesses to rank on Google by sanitizing their website, removing spam links, adding genuine backlinks, and complying with EEAT rules.

Having written for many websites, I have good research knowledge of the topics I write about and offer. I learned various topics and explored many fields before becoming an SEO.

AI/ML was my first learning venture out of college, Cloud Computing was the topic in which I cleared the most Coursera certifications, and I have worked in the cryptocurrency space for over 2 years. I also have a certification in Advanced Data Analytics.

Coming to non-technical fields like Business and Finance, I have been writing blogs on them since 2015. I used to be an active trader since I finished high school and therefore have deep knowledge of financial topics, including CBLO, a term I guarantee you might not have heard of.

We can help you end your search on Ghostwriters for Hire.

Contact Details for Our Soul Writes

Look no further than Our Soul Writes, led by the skilled and experienced SEO and Content Writer, Dhirendra.

With over four years of expertise in marketing, Dhirendra’s fluent English and captivating writing style can transform your website, blogs, and content into powerful pieces that will compel users to click.

Trust Our Soul Writes to take your online presence to the next level with our top-notch writing and SEO services.


I am an SEO and Blogger with experience in areas like Cryptocurrency, Cloud Computing, Software, and Digital Marketing. I can rank any page on Google #1 within 3 months.

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